A question I get quite a bit is how does a woman’s fashion affect her personal life? Is there some sort of subconscious link between fashion and you? Do you need to be in style to have happy relationships? The answer to the last question might surprise you. Yes, there is sometimes a link. It doesn’t happen always, but if you are a woman in fashion, chances are good that your personal relationships will be affected by it.
As a fashion analyst, I study the psychology of fashion trends. I’ve seen women who are in bad fashions and feel guilty about it. I’ve seen women whose entire world has been turned upside down because of their fashion choices. And I’ve watched men in bad fashions take all the credit. They think that by being in style, they have passed social judgement on women and, thus, have some sort of power over them. I call this the “Fashion Police” mentality and it has its roots in our culture.
Now, I can’t say that fashion is directly responsible for everything bad in your life. It may inflame you to the point where your emotions may get out of control. That’s why you should take some time and analyze the reasons behind your feelings before you make any fashion decisions. If you have a particular reason for feeling angry about a particular fashion trend, you may want to find out why so you can avoid making that choice again. Or you may want to avoid picking a certain dress just because it is trendy.
There are many things that can affect a woman’s psychology. One of them is her level of attractiveness. Fashion magazines may feature models with perfect complexions that are the envy of many women, but that doesn’t mean these models are attractive. Just because a model is more than 20 years old, doesn’t mean that she’s any more attractive than a younger woman.
Another thing that can have an effect on a woman’s psychology is fashion trends. In fact, there are even fashion trends that affect men! If you notice that a celebrity or model is dressing like she’s been on a magazine cover, chances are, those models have been influenced by the latest fashion trends. If you want to be more fashionable, you may have to pay attention to fashion trends in the world around you.
A final factor in influencing what you wear is your personal style. You may think that you’re the fashionista, but not all women are as fashion forward as you are. What’s good for one woman may not work well for another. Some women may prefer to wear something more conservative, while other women may love to show off their bodies. Fashion trends are always changing, so if you don’t like what’s popular, keep an open mind. You may be surprised at how much you learn about fashion just by paying attention to what your friends are wearing!
Finally, when it comes to fashion and you, remember that you must treat it as an investment. Yes, you can always change your fashion style whenever you feel bored with it, but remember that this will also affect how people perceive you. If you don’t treat fashion as a valid investment, you may be wasting your time; so, make sure that you invest your money wisely.
Fashion is one of the things that most women envy in the world. However, you shouldn’t let yourself be affected by the beauty of fashion, especially when you are thinking about how you’ll look in 10 years. Fashion and you don’t change that quickly. Although there are plenty of things that you can do to stay stylish, remember that you still need to do your research before you purchase anything. Whether you spend $200 or $1000 on your fashion, you may still look like you’re dressed for royalty.